The goatee beard is the perfect facial hair style for people who don't want a full beard but want to have some facial hair. It's quick to grow out and looks great on every guy. This blog will show you how to trim and style a goatee step by step. We will even show you how to maintain it and walk you through the top four goatee styles. So with that being said, let's get into it!
How To Trim And Style Your Goatee Beard
Before you get started, you do need to grow out your facial hair for a few weeks or even longer, depending on hair growth speed. Once you feel you have reached the right length, you can start trimming. Let's walk you through how to trim and style your goatee beard.
Products you will need
beard trimmer
Beard comb
short trimmer blade
Optional: Razor
Step One: Comb Your Facial Hair
Before you start trimming your facial hair, it's important to comb your facial hair. This will help ensure that all hairs point in the same direction, making it easier to get an even trim. Use a beard comb to gently comb through your facial hair, starting at the top and slowly combing down. If you have a mustache, you want to comb that also.